About us

GHS was set up in 1958 to provide ‘flatlets’ as an alternative to nursing homes for elderly Greenwich residents.


The Society was set up in the late 1950’s to provide 'flatlets' as an alternative to nursing homes for elderly Greenwich residents. The brainchild of Miss Barbara Hatfield, funds were raised from local businesses, charities and local people. One of the events was a dinner in the House of Commons in 1958 hosted by the then MP for Greenwich, Richard Marsh.

The first homes that GHS provided were two properties that were acquired in Vanbrugh Park, no.51 in 1959, followed by no.52 the following year. 12 Glenluce Road was bought in 1967 and a further property in St Johns Park Road in 1972. Construction of Hatfield Court began in 1973 on land acquired from the back gardens of nos.49-53 Vanbrugh Park.

As upkeep costs had become too costly the properties in Vanbrugh Park and St Johns Park Road were sold, the residents were re-housed and funds released from the sales used to carry out improvements to both Glenluce Road and Hatfield Court.  


Since it was founded the work of the Society has been overseen by a Management Committee who continue to fulfil the original objectives of the Society. The Committee is chaired by Steve Kerridge, who has had a long and successful career in housing, and mainly comprises volunteers who give up their time free-of-charge. There are currently 10 members of the Committee who are supported by a professional Housing Manager and a Finance Manager.

How to apply

Applications can be made by individuals or family members and/or carers on their behalf. Please visit our Apply page and check our eligibility criteria.

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